I get asked this A LOT.
And I totally relate to it. My eldest was easily bored in groups and used to make a point of not following instructions! So, I know what it feels like to be worrying that other people might be judging you or your child.
Firstly, and most importantly, there is no judgment here. Dinky really is a welcoming place where each child is valued for what they bring to the session, whatever form that might be in. And don’t forget we offer a free trial session so you can decide for yourself if your child is ready for the sessions - you know them best.
I also want to try to dispel misconceptions that a child that doesn’t sit still is not “bright” or developing “normally”…
All children develop at different rates and in their own way – let’s not forget they are all unique people just like adults! Sometimes it’s easy to think they should follow some sort of instruction manual (if only!). At Dinky we are passionate about engaging with children wherever they are at with their development.
We don’t expect any child to sit still through a whole session! That’s why we always provide at least one free-play station alongside the structured experiments. Most children will naturally need to take a break from concentrating on the more structured experiments. The free-play station allows a brain break with movement while staying engaged.
Sometimes it’s a matter of finding what peaks their interested. I have had many parents arrive at their first session concerned about how their child will concentrate or engage, only to tell me at the end that this is the most engaged they have ever seen their child at a group! Dinky is different and we get a lot of kids who have struggled to engage with singing, dancing, sensory groups. But it’s not that the child can’t concentrate – just that they didn’t find it engaging! Maybe Dinky will offer that spark to ignite your child’s interest?
We love to learn about favourite colours, characters or toys too. We can then incorporate these into our play to help make it engaging for your child.
Finally, I’ve learned through experience that it’s important to remember that children learn so much even if they are not “looking engaged”. It might not look to us like a child is participating or following instructions but they might be curious about a piece of equipment we’ve just used, or some ink they spilt on the tray. Perhaps without words to articulate their curiosity they instead conduct their own little experiment. At Dinky we embrace all these self-made experiments that kids undertake. This is a great form of learning and when we notice it, we praise it. This in turn helps the child to become involved in sharing their thoughts and ideas with the group.